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Harga Toyota Naik Pada Tahun 2015

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 TOYOTA Jakarta | Bogor | Depok | Tangerang | Bekasi

Harga Toyota Naik Pada Tahun 2015 

- Tahun 2015 diperkirakan Harga Mobil di Indonesia diperkirakan naik begitu juga dengan mobil Toyota. dikarenakan kenaikan harga beberapa material bahan dasar mobil, ditambah lagi nilai tukar rupiah terhadap dolar Amerika yang terus melemah. Selain bahan dasar dan kurs  nilai tukar rupiah terhadap dolar Amerika yang terus melemah , faktor lain yang mendorong harga mobil tahun 2015 naik adalah kenaikan Upah Minimum Provinsi (UMP) yang kini menjadi Rp2,2 juta. Toyota Astra Motor akan mengikuti peraturan yang diterbitkan pemerintah terkait kenaikan harga material yang akan digunakan sebagai bahan dasar produksi mobil.

[sumber] oto.detik.com

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My Service To You :
- Sales of cash or credit with competitive rates.
- Sales to individuals (retail), showroom, and corporate (fleet).
- Trade in your old cars of all brands at high prices.
- Extension of the old insurance and new insurance with low interest rate and guaranteed.
- Sales of accessories and other complementary products such as rust protection, protective paint, soundproofing, seat cover / bekleed, audio, and so on.

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Untuk Informasi, Reservasi Test Drive Dan Pemesanan Mobil Baru Toyota 
Silahkan Hubungi :

089 7494 2000

Thank you for your visit.
Hopefully this blog can become a media of information, as well as reference materials for you to buy TOYOTA car. Your participation is important for the development of this blog.

When you, or your friends, relatives or your relations, want to buy a Toyota car, don't forget ....


My Service To You :

- Sales of cash or credit with competitive rates.
- Sales to individuals (retail), showroom, and corporate (fleet).
- Trade in your old cars of all brands at high prices.
- Extension of the old insurance and new insurance with low interest rate and guaranteed.
- Sales of accessories and other complementary products such as rust protection, protective paint, soundproofing, seat cover / bekleed, audio, and so on.

For Information And Booking Your New TOYOTA Cars
Please Call Me :

089 7494 2000